Capture a website SCREENSHOT online

Generate a Full web-page screenshot with our service

logo-shotSetting image options
Website Screenshot


Page URL
Specify API key and a web-site URL to create screenshot, remember that all parameters needs to be url encoded.
Default Desktop.
Support 3 options Desktop, Tablet, Mobile
Lazy load
Default off.
Set this option to true when the website wants to capture using lazyload technology. Using this feature will require more time.
Image width
Default Desktop (1280px), Tablet(820px), Mobile(390px).
Image height
Default the page height
(maximum support 65,000 px).
Image quality
This option lets you change the JPG quality. It can range from 50% to 100%, default 80% JPG quality, 50% to 80% is a lower quality JPG, and 80% to 100% is a higher quality JPG.